I Hope You See Magic In Each Day

Storm on the Horizon
2 min readJan 29, 2020
Art from Pinterest.

I’ve become the kind of person that fills pages and pages of my journal with everything I’m grateful for.

I handwrite thank you notes to the air that fills my lungs; the legs that hold me up; to fried rice (for being delicious); to the barista that greets me in French with a smile on her face day after day after day; the sand between my toes; the simple (undeniable) greatness of my first cup of coffee in the morning and the myriad of other miraculous moments that bring me joy.

It’s easy to focus on the negative. Easy to stew in the sad, to be angry and disheartened and forget that among the chaos, the disorder and the many things-that-need-fixing in the world: there is good.

There is always good. The smile of a stranger in the street. Warmth of the setting sun. Food in your belly. An incredible view.

I like to call these little moments — these everyday joys — casual magic. I collect them; celebrate them; relish in them. Because ‘when you focus on the good, the good gets better’.
And there is always good.

What Casual Magic have you experienced today? What are you feeling grateful for? I’d love to know.

This piece was originally published at http://stormonthehorizon.com on January 29, 2020.



Storm on the Horizon

Hey, I'm Storm. I share my travels in the UK, Europe & South Korea. Must-see sights, hidden gems, vegetarian recs, cafe hopping adventures and more.